Sportsmanship Announcements

Sample 1

Good Afternoon/Evening and welcome to (school name).

I am _________________________ (principal or AD).

Prior to the start of today’s contest I ask that sportsmanship be displayed at the highest level for our coaches, athletes and fans.  We remind you that interscholastic events are an extension of the classroom, and that lessons are best learned when the proper respect is accorded to all.  Please, let your good sportsmanship show throughout the contest.

Sample 2

Good Afternoon/Evening,    (school name) welcomes you to _______________________ (name of stadium, gymnasium or field)

I am _________________________ (principal or AD).

On behalf of our team, coaches, cheerleaders, student and fans we ask that everyone display good sportsmanship.  One of the goals of high school athletics is learning lifetime values.  Sportsmanship is one such value that makes these games and educational experience.  So, remember to sport a winning attitude throughout today’s/tonight’s contest.

Sample 3

Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Afternoon/Evening and welcome to ____________________(school name).

I am _________________________ (principal or AD).

I would like to wish students from both schools good luck, and we encourage all spectators to keep in mind that good sportsmanship is expected at _________________ (name of stadium, field or gymnasium), as we set good examples for our students, players and everyone who is in attendance.  We remind all spectators that the game is competitive, but it is also an education experience for all players and students.  Let’s continue to show respect and sportsmanship throughout this contest and refrain from negative cheers, chants or behavior.  The score of an athletic event is generally forgotten over time, but the actions of contestants, coaches and spectators are remembered.  So make the choice to be remembered for good sportsmanship and that in the end good sports are always a winner.

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