Ella Kate Brannon
Greer High School

Ella Kate is a senior with a 5.021 GPA. She is president of the senior class and a four-year letterman in tennis and she served as captain of her cheer squad in the 9th and 10th grades. Ella serves as Editor in Chief of the Le Flambeau yearbook staff, a member of National Honor Society, Beta Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Spanish National Honor Society. She is the reigning Miss Greer High School and is described as a very caring individual that has always shown outstanding sportsmanship both on and off the courts. She has used her personal platform from the “ground up” to better her community. She has built The Blessing Boxes for the community, assisted charities with the Ronald McDonald House, the Salkehatchie Summer Service group, the Upstate volunteer group, and Greer Memorial United Methodist Church youth group. First and foremost, for Ella Kate is her academic career She is the British Literature Award winner, a Greer honor-roll student, ranks in the top ten in her class. The Subway November Student of the Month Ella Kate Brannon of Greer High School.