Middle School Volleyball Invitational Sites
Site: | Fort Dorchester High School |
Address: | 8500 Patriot Blvd North Charleston, SC 29420 |
DATE: | October 21, 2023 |
TIMES: | Pool Play begins at 9:00 am & 9:50 am Bracket play will begin at 2:30 pm |
GATES OPEN: | 8:30 |
TICKETS: | $10.00 (everyone must have a ticket for entry) Go Fan tickets only (re-entry is allowed with wristband) https://gofan.co/app/school/SCHSL Clear Bag Policy |
Parking | Team Buses – See Map Spectators – See Map VISITING TEAM MAIN GYM GAME DAY DIRECTIONS FOR FORT DORCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL Fort Dorchester High is located at 8500 Patriot Boulevard – North Charleston, SC 29420 Dressing Facilities/Halftime – Visiting teams will use the locker room facilities located outside of the main gym. The right side is for the visitors. Parking –Busses will drop off student at the front of the school via the car rider loop. They will park in the large parking lot located on the left side of the building in the back left section (picture attached). We will have someone to guide the buses to the correct area. Anyone traveling with the team will need to come in with the busses. Parent parking will be in the large lot on the left as you enter Fort Campus. Warm Up Activities – Visiting teams should warm-up in the mini gym. Clear Bag Policy: Please note our clear bag policy is still in effect. We recommend arriving early. Thank you in advance for your patience as we focus on our top priority, keeping everyone safe. |
OTHER ITEMS: | Team Food tables will be allowed, but teams must provide own table. Concessions will be provided. T-shirts signifying the regional invitational will be available online. Teams will receive a flyer with information on how to make purchases. Signs, banners, balloons, noisemakers, etc. are not allowed in the gymnasiums. |
Site: | North Central High School |
Address: | 3000 Lockhart Rd Kershaw, SC 29067 |
DATE: | October 21, 2023 |
TIMES: | Pool Play begins at 9:00 am & 9:50 am Bracket play will begin at 2:30 pm |
GATES OPEN: | 8:30 |
TICKETS: | $10.00 (everyone must have a ticket for entry) Go Fan tickets only (re-entry is allowed with wristband) https://gofan.co/app/school/SCHSL Clear Bag Policy |
Parking | Team Buses – turn right into the student parking lot and park on the grass near the football stadium entrance gate. |
OTHER ITEMS: | Teams can set up putside with food tables. Concessions will be provided. T-shirts signifying the regional invitational will be available online. Teams will receive a flyer with information on how to make purchases. Signs, banners, balloons, noisemakers, etc. are not allowed in the gymnasiums. |
Site: | Lugoff-Elgin High School |
Address: | 1284 Highway 1 South Lugoff, SC 29078 |
DATE: | October 21, 2023 |
TIMES: | Pool Play begins at 9:00 am & 9:50 am Bracket play will begin at 12:0 pm |
GATES OPEN: | 8:30 |
TICKETS: | $10.00 (everyone must have a ticket for entry) Go Fan tickets only (re-entry is allowed with wristband) https://gofan.co/app/school/SCHSL Clear Bag Policy |
Parking | https://sites.google.com/kcsdschools.net/le-activities-visitor-info/venuesparking Team Buses & Spectators will use the same parking area. |
Entrance | Teams and spectators must enter through the Main Gym lobby. Court A will be played in the Main Gym Court B in the Wellness Center. |
OTHER ITEMS: | No chairs allowed in the Main Gym. There is limited space for chairs in Wellness Center with some bleacher seating. Team Food tables will be allowed, but teams must provide own table. No coolers inside the gym. Concessions will be provided. T-shirts signifying the regional invitational will be available online. Teams will receive a flyer with information on how to make purchases. Signs, banners, balloons, noisemakers, etc. are not allowed in the gymnasiums. |
Site: | Spartanburg High School |
Address: | 447 Plainview Drive Spartanburg, SC 29307 |
DATE: | October 21, 2023 |
TIMES: | Pool Play begins at 9:00 am & 9:50 am Bracket play will begin at 12:00 pm |
GATES OPEN: | 8:30 |
TICKETS: | $10.00 (everyone must have a ticket for entry) Go Fan tickets only (re-entry is allowed with wristband) https://gofan.co/app/school/SCHSL Clear Bag Policy |
Parking | Team Buses – will park in the bus loop at the Arena (see map) Fans – Lot E (see map) |
OTHER ITEMS: | Teams are responsible for providing: Scorekeeper Libero tracker (if using a libero)Linesperson Balls for warm-upsWater BottlesTowels Ice, water, and game balls will be provided. A certified athletic trainer will be available all day. Team tables for food will be provided. Concessions will be available. T-shirts signifying the regional invitational will be available. Signs, banners, balloons, noisemakers, etc. are not allowed in the gymnasiums. |
Site: | Airport High School |
Address: | 1315 Boston Avenue West Columbia, SC 29170 |
DATE: | October 21, 2023 |
TIMES: | Pool Play begins at 9:00 am & 9:50 am Bracket play will begin at 2:30 pm |
GATES OPEN: | 8:30 |
TICKETS: | $10.00 (everyone must have a ticket for entry) Go Fan tickets only (re-entry is allowed with wristband) https://gofan.co/app/school/SCHSL Clear Bag Policy |
Parking | Team Buses – See Map Spectators – See Map |
OTHER ITEMS: | Team Food tables will be allowed. Concessions will be provided. T-shirts signifying the regional invitational will be available online. Teams will receive a flyer with information on how to make purchases. Signs, banners, balloons, noisemakers, etc. are not allowed in the gymnasiums. |