Living Clean Week set for Jan. 8-12
Bench bad behavior
Living Clean week will be January 8-12. We want all of our member schools to have the tools to live clean all week! The theme for that week will center around keeping the sport clean. This means, NO EJECTIONS, NO EXCUSES, CLEAN IT UP!
During this week we encourage you to emphasize kindness on and off the field. It is time to take proactive steps to benching bad behavior and we all need to do our part. Let’s start reflecting on ways to reduce the number of ejections.
Proper messaging starts with you. Use your resources, the #benchbad behavior toolkit is a powerful resource to keep a clean community. Our hope is that everyone in your community: student-athletes, parents, and coaches all work together to clean up negative behaviors that take away the overall mission of sports.
Also, bring your community together and clean up an area around your school. Make sure to print bench bad behavior posters and put them all around your athletic offices and facilities. Take pictures of your bench bad behavior posters and clean up projects.
Please submit pictures and videos of student athletes around the state showing their commitment to living clean! Remember, these activities count toward the sportsmanship award. The SCHSL can’t wait to see what sportsmanship looks like all over our great state. Submit your photos in the form below or tag us in your posts @schsl with the #livingclean #sportsmanship #itsinthecontest. Click below to submit your images