Swim officials requirements

If you plan to officiate high school swimming this year, here are the basic requirements

Meet Referee of Starter – 

(1) participate in SCHSL Rules Training 

(2) participate in a Stroke and Turn Clinic (or send me a picture of current USA-S credentials), 

(3) Register at Arbiter Sports, and 

(4) Pass NFHS Swim Rules Exam

Stroke and Turn Judge – 

(1) Participate in a Stroke and Turn Clinic (or send me a picture of current USA-S credentials)

Note: If you are currently a USA Swimming certified official, the Stroke and Turn Clinic is optional – ALL other requirements remain valid.

To register to be a Meet Referee/Starter, please follow the instructions at: https://app.arbitersports.com/registration/official?org=455&role=3 for either new officials or returning officials, as applicable.  Click the blue “REGISTER” button towards the top right of the page and follow the instructions. Note – there is a registration fee required to complete your application.   

The exam should be available mid-week at http://schsl.arbitersports.com/front/101800/Test. You will only be able to login and take the exam if you have completed the registration above.  I do not have rule books yet but if you have last year’s (or the year before’s), it will suffice.  Only minor changes affecting swimming were made and can be found by Googling “2020  NFHS Swim Rule Changes” and “2021 NFHS Swim Rule Changes”. It’s not ideal but if you are one of those who like to get ahead, go for it.  

ALL REQUIRED TRAINING CAN BE COMPLETED VIA ZOOM.  Here is the current schedule for training:

August 3rd6:00 pmRules https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84041666057?pwd=alVCVHF4Ymk0NjR2bzJuM3BFMG9VUT09
August 3rd6:45pmS/Thttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/84041666057?pwd=alVCVHF4Ymk0NjR2bzJuM3BFMG9VUT09Stoke and Turn
August 5thAugust 8th6Ref./ST6 Rules6:45 S/Thttps://zoom.us/j/91764825733?pwd=REJMSEphb2NjdnE2K0xUalcwYmRiZz09  (Ref & Starter Clinic). https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85115923276?pwd=MkdxZERldEZ3R2oxUCtVb05xTG9ndz09Stroke and Turn 6:45
August 10th 5 pmS/T6 S & Thttps://zoom.us/j/97191385562?pwd=OUprQ1dVN3pROG1QNmtrVE1teUdrUT09https://forms.gle/4ZgFKzru6oGwKaet8
August 11th 6 pmS/T8 Rules8:45 S/Thttps://forms.gle/4ZgFKzru6oGwKaet8https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81110865975?pwd=Y2E1LzdQNDl6RVN5ZmlXUFZ6b1c4UT09https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81110865975?pwd=Y2E1LzdQNDl6RVN5ZmlXUFZ6b1c4UT09
August 12IN PERSON7:30 S/TEastside HShttps://zoom.us/j/97274082330?pwd=WjJ1ZWZ5aUNFMDNLSThiSEVOSFB5dz09@Eastside High School at 6:00PM (District 1) Rules 

Topic: Ref. and Starter August 5th  

Join Zoom Meeting


 Meeting ID: 917 6482 5733

Passcode: 055731

Topic: SCHSL Stroke and Turn Clinic

Time: Aug 10, 2021 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

 Hosted by: Scott Jones

Join Zoom Meeting


 Meeting ID: 971 9138 5562

Passcode: 468356

Topic: SCHSL Stroke and Turn Clinic

Time: Aug 12, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Hosted By: Aimee Onoszko

 Join Zoom Meeting


 Meeting ID: 972 7408 2330

Passcode: 985593

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